Deemes and Creel (1988) or (Deemes and Creel, 1988).
Eng et al. (2013) or (Eng et al., 2013).
(Bouvier, 1986a; Bouvier, 1986b) or (Bouvier, 1986a,b).
Within text citations should be arranged in chronological order (not in alphabetical order), from earliest to most recent, as follows:
(Bouvier, 1986ab; Demes, 1988; Daegling, 1992; Eng et al., 2013).
For within text citations, page numbers are not required unless a direct quote is used.
All examples courtesy of Mariam Nargolwalla, ANTA01 Essay Guidelines.
In the References Cited section, list all references cited in essay in alphabetic order as follows:
Bouvier, M., 1986a. A biomechanical analysis of mandibular scaling in Old World monkeys. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69, 473–482.
Bouvier, M., 1986b. Biomechanical scaling of mandibular dimensions in New World monkeys. International Journal of Primatology 7, 551–567.
Daegling, D.J., 1992. Mandibular morphology and diet in the genus Cebus. International Journal of Primatology 13, 545–570.
Demes, B., Creel, N., 1988. Bite force, diet, and cranial morphology of fossil hominids. Journal of Human Evolution 17, 657–670.
Eng, C.M., Lieberman, D.E., Zink, K.D., Peters, M.A., 2013. Bite force and occlusal stress production in hominin evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151, 544–557.
Bramble, D.M., Wake, D.B., 1985. Feeding mechanisms of lower tetrapods. In: Hildebrand, M., Bramble, D.M., Liem, K.F., Wake, D.B. (Eds.), Functional Vertebrate Morphology. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, pp. 230–261.
Hiiemae, K.M., 1978. Mammalian mastication: a review of the activity of the jaw muscles and the movements they produce in chewing. In: Butler, P.M., Joysey, K.A. (Eds.), Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth. Academic Press, London, pp. 359–398.
For other resource types (websites, video), please see the Journal of Human Evolution Guide for Authors for referencing format.
All examples courtesy of Mariam Nargolwalla, ANTA01 Essay Guidelines.
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