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MMPA 2025-24M Integrated Case Competition

Research Guide for MMPA Case Competitions


To access Bloomberg you must come to the FLC and use the terminals in person. Our Bloomberg Quick Start guide is here:

Bloomberg Intelligence covers more than 200 industries.  It offers:

  • Independent, in-depth industry research by Bloomberg analysts, updated on an ongoing basis
  • Proprietary and third-party data, including market share, sales and other hard-to-find data for companies within an industry
  • Shortcuts to industry news and comps

Type BI in the search bar to access Bloomberg Intelligence.  Use the menu to drill down to your industry and a dashboard specific to that industry will load.  Alternatively, search for a keyword; results will be grouped by 'Research' or 'Data'.

Within an industry dashboard, there are three sections:

  • Research: Click on 'Industry' to see briefings and insights on key themes or trends within a given industry.
    • Many of the graphs and tables in these reports can be downloaded separately or link to other Bloomberg applications
  • Data Library: This will include market share, macro economic and non-economic drivers, industry-specific data, cost data and more.
  • Monitor: This includes links to industry news and research reports ('News/Research') and comparative data for key industry players ('Comp charts')

Bloomberg is also an excellent source of news about industries.  News can be accessed through the Monitor section of a dashboard or by using the command N (general news) or NI + 'subject', e.g NI automotive.