How to search when you have a fairly new area of research and can't seem to find many hits for articles. Would you recommend refining the use of filters/looking for other articles/databases?
There are a couple strategies you can use to increase the likelihood of finding additional literature:
When everything else has failed, it's also very possible that you could have a niche research topic with limited published literature on it! In cases like that, there's not much to be done aside from revising your topic to a related idea or broader scope to see if that yields more promising results. While frustrating, this is also a very normal part of literature searching!
If you're struggling to find literature on your topic, feel free to shoot me an email for a research consultation or stop by the Reference Desk at the front of the library and we'll see if we can give you a hand!
How to use the Zotero plug-in in Word?
Please see the "Using the Zotero Word Plugin" support page for more details.
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