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Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Students Guide

Core course reading list for Pediatric Dentistry graduate students.

Pulp Therapy

  1. Alsanouni, M., Bawazir, O. A., A randomized clinical trial of NeoMTA plus in primary molar pulpotomies. Pediat Dent (2019);41(2):107-111. 

  2. Camp, J. H. Diagnosis dilemmas in vital pulp therapy: Treatment for the toothache is changing, especially in young, immature teeth. Pediart Dent (2008) 30(3): 197-205. 

  3. Coll, J.A., et al. Primary Tooth Vital Pulp Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta- analysis. Pediatr Dent (2017);39(1): 16-27.E15-El 10) 

  4. Coll, J.A., et al. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Nonvital Pulp Therapy for Primary Teeth. Pediatr Dent (2020);42(4):256-72.E11-E199 

  5. Falster, C.A., Araujo, F.B., Straffon, L.H., Nor, J.E. Indirect pulp treatment: in vivo outcomes of an adhesive resin system vs calcium hydroxide for protection of the dentin-pulp complex. Pediatr Dent. (2002); 24(3): 241-248. Available at Dentistry Library Service Desk. 

  6. Farsi, DJ., El-Khodary, H.M., Farsi, N.M., El Ashiry, E.A., Yagmoor, M.A., Alzain, S.M. Sodium hypochlorite versus formocresol and ferric sulfate pulpotomies in primary molars: 18- month follow-up. Pediatr Dent (2015); 37(7): 535-540. 

  7. Nelson-Filho, P et al. Comparative molecular analysis of gram-negative bacteria in primary teeth irreversible pulpitis or periapical pathology. Pediatr Dent (2018); 40(4): 259-264. 

  8. Howley, B., Seale, N.S., McWhorter, A.G., Kerins, C., Boozer, K.B., Lindsey, D. Pulpotomy versus pulpectomy for carious vital primary incisors: Randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Dent (2012); 34(5) el 12-119. 

  9. Huth, K.C., Paschos, E., Hajek-Al-Khatar., H., Hollweck, R., Criipin, A., Hickel, R., Folwaczny, M. Effectiveness of 4 pulpotomy techniques -randomized controlled trial. JDent Research (2005); 84:1144-1148. 

  10. Maltz, M., et al. Partial removal of carious dentine: a multicenter randomized controlled trial and 18-month follow-up results. Caries Res (2013); 47: 103-109. 

  11. Marghatani, A., Omar, S., Chen, J. Clinical and radiographic success of mineral trioxide aggregate compared with formocresol as a pultotomy treatment in primary molars. J Amer Dent Assoc (2014); 147(7): 714-721. 

  1. Mejare, I., Cevk, M. Partial pulpotomy in young permanent teeth with deep carious lesions. Endod Dent Traumata! (1993) 9: 238-242. 

  1. Milnes, A. R. Pervasive evidence that formocresol use in pediatric dentistry is safe. J Can Dent Assoc (2006) 72(3): 247-248f. 

  2. Mutluay M, Arikan V, Sari S, Kisa, U. Does achievement of hemostasis after pulp exposure provide an accurate assessment of pulpal inflammation? Pediatr Dent (2018) 40(1): 37-42. 

  3. Nematollahi, H., et al. Mineral trioxide aggregate partial pulpotomy versus formocresol pulpotomy: A randomized, split-mouth, controlled clinical trial with 24 months follow up. Pediatr Dent (2018); 40(3): 184-189. 

  4. Rubanenko, M.,Petel, R., Tickotsky, N. Fayer, I., Fuks A., Moskovitz, M. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing Tricalcium Silicate and Formocresol Pulpotomies Followed for Two to Four Years. Pediatr Dent (2019); 41(6):446-50. 

  5. Schwendicke, F., Dorfer, C.E., Paris, S. Incomplete caries removal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent Res (2013) 92(4)L 306-314. 

  6. Trairatvorakul, C., Detsomboonrat, P., Success rates of a mixture of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline antibiotics used in the non-instrumentation endodontic treatment of mandibular primary molars with carious pulpal involvement. Int J Paediatr Dent (2012) 22:217-227. 

  7. Vij, R. et al. Caries control and other variables associated with success of primary molar vital pulp therapy. Pediatr Dent (2004) 26(3): 214-220. 

  8. Wong, B.J., Fu, E., Mathu-Muju, K. Thirty-Month Outcomes of Biodentine® Pulpotomies in Primary Molars: A Retrospective Review.