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Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Students Guide

Core course reading list for Pediatric Dentistry graduate students.

Sedation and General Anesthesia

  1. Boynes, S.G., et al. Complications associated with anesthesia administration for dental treatment in a special needs clinic. Special Care Dentist (2010) 30(1):3-7. 

  2. Chen, N,, Tanbonliong, T. Comparison of Two Morphine-Benzodiazepine- Hydroxyzine Combinations for the Oral Sedation of Pediatric Dental Patients: A Retrospective Study. Pediatr Dent 40.1 (2018): 43-48. 

  3. Chicka, M.C., et al. Adverse events during pediatric dental anesthesia and sedation: a review of closed malpractice insurance claims. Pediatr Dent (2012) May-June; 34(2): 231-238. 

  4. El Batawi HY, Shorrab AA. Intra Operative Use of Anti Emetic Drugs for Children Undergoing Full Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia. A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016;40(3):235-40. 

  5. Gentz R, Casamassimo P, Amini H, Claman D, Smiley M. Safety and Efficacy of 3 Pediatric Midazolam Moderate Sedation Regimens. Anesth Prog. 2017 Summer;64(2):66-72. doi: 10.2344/anpr-64-02-04. PMID: 28604093; PMCID: PMC5467759 

  6. Goldsobel, Alan B., and Bradley E. Chipps. "Cough in the pediatric population." The Journal of pediatrics 156, no. 3 (2010): 352-358. 

  7. Gutenberg L., Chen J.W., Trapp L. "Methemoglobin levels in generally anesthetized pediatric dental patients receiving prilocaine versus lidocaine." Anesth prog 60.3 (2013): 99-108. 

  8. Kang, J., Vann Jr, W. F., Lee, J. Y., & Anderson, J. A. The safety of sedation for overweight/obese children in the dental setting. Pediatric Dent, (2012) 34(5), 392-396. 

  9. Krauss B. and Green S.M. Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Children. Lancet (2006) 367: 766-780. 

  10. Lane, K. J., Nelson, T. M., Thikkurissy, S., & Scott, J. M. (2015). Assessing temperament as a predictor of oral sedation success using the Children's Behavior Questionnaire Short Form. Pediatr Dent, 37( 5), 429-435. 

  11. McCormack, Laura, et al. "A comparison of sedation-related events for two multiagent oral sedation regimens in pediatric dental patients." Pediatr Dent 36.4 (2014): 302-308. 

  12. Olacke, B., Nelson, T., Sarvas, E., & Scott, J. M. (2018). A Retrospective Study of Dosing Weight and Outcomes for One Pediatric Dental Sedation Regimen. Pediatr Dent 40( 5), 346-351. 

  13. Tobias, JD,Applications of nitrous oxide for procedural sedation in the pediatric population. Pediatr Emerg Care, 2013.29(2): p. 245-65, 10 

  14. Waage, N. S., Baker, S. and Sedano, H. 0. Pediatric conditions associated with compromised airway: Part 1 -congenital. Pediatr Dent (2009) 31(3): 236-248. 

  15. Watts, A. K., et al. Local Anesthesia affects physiologic parameters and reduces anesthesiologist intervention in children undergoing general anesthesia for dental rehabilitation. Pediatr Dent (2009) 31(5): 414-419. 

  16. Wilson, S., Houpt, M. Project USAP 2000 -Use of sedative agents by pediatric dentists: a 25-year follow-up survey. Pediatr Dent (2016); 38(2): 127-33 

  17. Wilson, S., Gosnell, E. S. Survey of American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry on nitrous oxide and sedation: 20 years later Pediatr Dent (2016);38(5)