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ENGC54 - Library Research Guide

A research guide for students in ENGC54: Gender and Genre

Search for Books

To search for books, type your keyword search into the catalogue link above and select the Catalogue option from the drop-down that will appear, then click the search button.  PRO-Tip: Searches from the library's homepage may do an everywhere search by default, so you'll need to limit to the catalogue AFTER you enter your search, not as you do it. Use limiters on the left side of your results to focus your search.

Example topic:   I'm looking for criticism of the novels of Margaret Atwood


U of T Library Catalogue

Focus Your Search With Limiters

Use limiters on the left side of your results to focus your search on relevant material.

Keep in mind that you can borrow material from any of U of T's libraries, but if you need to see only what's physically available in the UTSC Library you can use the Library refinement to see only items located in Scarborough. Also, the SUBJECT filters (containing the official Library of Congress Subject Headings that describe an item) are particularly powerful tools for narrowing your search to more specifically fit what you're looking for. 

Locate Books: At UTSC, Other U of T Libraries, E-books

Once you've found a book you'd like in the catalogue, you can locate it in the UTL Library System.  You can get books at UTSC Library, other U of T Libraries, and e-books.

  • Get a book at UTSC Library:   Write down the call number (example: PS8501.TZ73365 2006) of the book you want.   Use the call number to locate the book in the library. The call number is the code that we place on the spine of books, and it describes the subject matter of individual titles. Keep in mind that if the book you're looking for is relevant to your research interests it's likely that other books in the same section of the library shelves (the "stacks") will also be relevant.

  • Request a book from another U of T Library: Select Get It    The book will be delivered to the UTSC Library in approximately  3 BUSINESS DAYS

  • Download an e-book: Select the Available Online link below the title to jump to the link to the electronic verson of a book further down in the catalogue record..



Borrow Books

  • Your T-card is your library card.   Use your T-card to borrow books.
  • Undergraduates can borrow books for 2 weeks (5 renewals).
  • For more information, ask a library staff member or visit the UTSC Library.