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ENGC54 - Library Research Guide

A research guide for students in ENGC54: Gender and Genre

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This research guide will introduce you to the research resources you can use to complete your assignments in ENGC54: Gender and Genre. It will help you find the most pertinent resources available in the U of T libraries, and also show you how to properly cite resources you find. 

These resources will help you to learn about:

  • what scholars have said about the authors and texts you are studying
  • the themes, theories or concepts you are using to discuss those works in your assignments

You can use this information and ideas to support your arguments (properly cited of course!) in your major paper.

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January 6 - April 11th

  • Monday-Thursday: 10am-10pm
  • Friday: 10am-5pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 12pm-6pm
  • SERVICE CLOSURES: Monday, February 17


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