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Researrrrch Guides

URB236 : A Multidisciplinary Intro to Urban Studies II: Urban Changes and Theoretical Application

Adding Content to Your Board

Explore Miro's Toolkit   

Learn more about the Miro's Help Centre's range of tools to help you create a stellar research poster. 

Structuring content on your board

Ways to set up content on your Miro Board

Miro provides you with a board where you can add various types of content. Take a look at Miro Tools to see all the options available. 

Adding and editing content on your Miro Board

Using charts and tables


You can use Miro to automatically generate charts with datasets you provide. 


Use the tables tools to organize information on your Miro Board 

  • How to create tables in Miro
    • Set up format of table
    • Add content to your table (e.g., sticky note, shape, card, or image)
    • Add and edit text in your table