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Research Guides

WRR103: Writing Essays

Cite and Export Sources

Citing a Source

There are currently seven citation styles to choose from when exporting your source details. These include:​

  • APA (7th edition)
  • MLA (8th edition) 
  • Chicago (17th edition notes-bibliography)
  • Chicago (17th edition author-date)
  • Turabian (16th edition notes-bibliography)
  • Vancouver
  • IEEE

To generate a source citation from your list of search results, click the three-dot icon located in the top right of each brief record.  Record indicating location of three dots needed to access citation export option

Clicking the three-dot icon will reveal a number of citation style and management options pictured in the following image. 
Choose the "Citation" option, select your preferred citation style, and copy the citation into your reference list. 

Location of export citation option that appears after clicking on three dots

Exporting a Citation

Quick Export: RefWorks  

LibrarySearch supports quick export by embedding a direct RefWorks citation manager link in each detailed record. 

Detailed record highlighting RefWorks button

Export: Other Citation Managers 

In addition to RefWorks, you can also export this information to EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, or any other citation manager as an RIS file by selecting the Export RIS option from the same menu. RIS is a bibliographic citation file saved in a format developed by Research Information Systems or RIS. 

Visit the page Which citation management program should I use? for a description of some of the most popular options.

Export a Group of Citations  

LibrarySearch also supports citation exporting in groups of two or more. To export more than one citation at a time, save your sources to My Favourites. Then select each item you would like to export individually by placing a check mark to the left of the record or create a group by choosing one of your labels from the right side as highlighted in the following image.

My Favourites module highlighting selected records and labels.

Next, locate the three-dot icon to access your export options.

My Favourites saved records list with three-dot icon highlighted in the top left.

Then choose Export Citation (RIS).

Export options list including email and printing, highlighting the location of the Export Citation (RIS) option.

Finally, bypass the "encoding" feature (unless you have a preferred electronic standard) and select Download. The Download option will save your group of citations in the RIS format in the location you choose. If you are not able to find the file, check your computer's Downloads folder. 

An arrow stretches between the RIS option and the Download button.

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