There are a wide variety of places to find specific data to support you in your Inorganic Chemistry labs. Remember, it's always a good idea to track data back to its original source if possible, especially when you find conflicting values or discover an outlier. This can help you better understand under what conditions the data were collected, and whether they represent an average, predicted or experimental value.
Need tips on finding property data? Check out our Finding Property Data Cheat Sheet!
The resources below contain physical and chemical property data, as well as spectral data. It is a good idea to search multiple resources when searching for property data, not only to increase your chances of finding relevant information, but also to cross-check property values.
Use these for interpretation of spectra. Includes common vibrational frequencies and shifts for various functional groups or common impurities that could result in inaccurate data.
Unable to find what you are looking for in the resources above? For less common properties and substances, you may need to expand your search to specialized resources that are specific to certain types of properties, spectra, or substance classes. The guides below will help direct you to additional resources that may be useful beyond those listed above. If you are interested in a handbook or resource and would like help locating it at U of T Libraries, please contact your librarian for further assistance.
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