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ERS311H5: Sedimentology and Basin Analysis

Finding a Science Topic -Blogs, Websites, etc

Blogs are great way to learn news and views on a wide range of science topics. Often times, authors of blogs will discuss new or old research and provide references to primary and secondary literature that a interested student can go on and further explore.

These are just a tiny selection of science related blogs, but there are many others out there.

Journal Article Databases


A major interdiscilinary database with citaiton searching.

Web of Science

An important interdisciplinary database with citation searching.


The GeoRef database, established by the American Geological Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. GeoRef is the most comprehensive database in the geosciences and continues to grow by more than 100,000 references a year.


The GEOBASE is a database of indexed research literature unequalled in its coverage of the international geoscience literature: Earth sciences, ecology, geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation. 

International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS)

A major index for interdisciplinary scholarly research. The main focus is on the four core social science subjects, but you can use it as a starting point for research in the ProQuest interface.

GeoRef Search Video

GeoRef is part of Engineering Village. Watch this quick video to see how the interface works.

Found on the Engineering VIllage training site.

Use Article Finder when there is no Full Text

With the new ALL search and ARTICLE search, it is easy to broaden your searches. 

Other tools, like Article Finder, help you to find a specfific article for which you have the citation.