Journal: Collections of journal articles (by experts, for experts) and supplementary articles (editors' notes, letters to the editor, book reviews, etc.) that are published on a recurring basis throughout the year (i.e., serially). Can be published monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or anytime in between. Typically focused by subject. Published digitally, in print, or both.
Databases: Searchable storehouses of resources (predominantly articles). Highly organized with sophisticated search functions. Allows for precise, controlled searching and focused results list. Often subject-specific.
Platforms & Interfaces: Provide access to full-text resources and are tied to specific companies (e.g. ProQuest). One platform typically provides the library with a number of different subject-specific databases. Their individual web interfaces are what you'll see when you leave the library website to read a full-text article.
Catalogue: Searchable index of records that link to standalone objects owned by the Library: books, streaming videos and DVDs, journals (but not individual articles within journals), classroom manipulatives, puppets, etc.
Discovery layer: A search interface that searches across many platforms -- databases, library catalogue, etc. -- to provide a one-stop-shop of resources. Generates a huge volume of results. Hard to search precisely, as it bring together results from a wide variety of locations.
University of Toronto Scarborough Library
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