Santos, L., Zheng, H., Singhal, S., & Wong, M. (2024). Remifentanil for tracheal intubation without neuromuscular blocking drugs in adult patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anaesthesia. doi:10.1111/anae.16255
Nicola, W., Ouanounou, A., & Hashim Nainar, S. (2024). Adverse Events in Pediatric Dental Practice: Survey of Pediatric Dentists in the United States. Pediatric Dentistry, 46(1), 45-54. Retrieved from
Janev, N., & Ouanounou, A. (2024). Local anesthetics in oral and maxillofacial medicine: pharmacology, adverse effects, drug interactions and clinical manifestations. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia.
Abdul-Wasay, S., & Ouanounou, A. (2024). Dental and medical management of the patient with bipolar disorder. Special Care in Dentistry, 44(1), 3-11. doi:10.1111/scd.12841.
Tobis, R. M., Cardoso, E. O. C., Yarascavitch, C., Tenenbaum, H. C., Azarpazhooh, A., & Sale, J. E. M. (2024). Experiences of dentists and caregivers of patients with special care needs-A qualitative study. Special Care in Dentistry, 44(2), 584-591. doi:10.1111/scd.12903
Zanjir, M., Azarpazhooh, A., Hosseini, Y., Cardoso, E., Yarascavitch, C., Shah, P. S., & Sale, J. (2023). Process-related Factors Are as Important as Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment, Nonsurgical Root Canal Retreatment, and Endodontic Microsurgery. Journal of Endodontics, 49(10), 1289-1298. doi:10.1016/j.joen.2023.07.012
Valtellini, R., & Ouanounou, A. (2023). Management of the Hypertensive Dental Patient. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 89(2), 1-14. Retrieved from
Mac Giolla Phadraig, C., Kammer, P. V., Asimakopoulou, K., Healy, O., Fleischmann, I., Buchanan, H., . . . Nunn, J. (2023). Labels and descriptions of dental behaviour support techniques: A scoping review of clinical practice guidelines. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 51(6), 1065-1077. doi:10.1111/cdoe.12890
Husack, E., & Ouanounou, A. (2023). Pharmacological Management of the Dentally Anxious Patient. Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry (15488578), 44(3).
Dunbar, D., & Ouanounou, A. (2023). An update on drug interactions involving anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications in oral and maxillofacial medicine: a narrative review. Frontiers of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, 89(2).
Anishchuk, S., Kubacki, A., Howell, Y., van Harten, M. T., Yarascavitch, C., & MacGiolla Phadraig, C. (2023). Can a virtual learning module foster empathy in dental undergraduate students? European Journal of Dental Education, 27(1), 118-125. doi:10.1111/eje.12783
Mac Giolla Phadraig, C., Newton, T., Daly, B., Limeres Posse, J., Hosey, M. T., Yarascavitch, C., . . . Asimakopoulou, K. (2022). BeSiDe time to move behavior support in dentistry from an art to a science: A position paper from the BeSiDe (Behavior Support in Dentistry) Group. Special Care in Dentistry, 42(1), 28-31. doi:10.1111/scd.12634
Prince, J., Goertzen, C., Zanjir, M., Wong, M., & Azarpazhooh, A. (2021). Airway Complications in Intubated Versus Laryngeal Mask Airway-Managed Dentistry: A Meta-Analysis. Anesthesia Progress, 68(4), 193-205. doi:10.2344/anpr-68-04-02
Wong, M. (2021). Ambulatory Anesthesia for a Case of Idiopathic Bronchiolitis Obliterans. Anesthesia Progress, 68(2), 98-106. doi:10.2344/anpr-68-01-05.
Chanpong, B., Tang, M., Rosenczweig, A., Lok, P., & Tang, R. (2020). Aerosol-Generating Procedures and Simulated Cough in Dental Anesthesia. Anesthesia Progress, 67(3), 127–134. doi:10.2344/anpr-67-03-04
Decloux, D., & Ouanounou, A. (2020). Local anaesthesia in dentistry: a review. International Dental Journal. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/idj.12615
Matsui, R., Wong, M., & Waters, B. (2020). Alternative Transoral Application of Nasopharyngeal Airways. Anesthesia Progress, 67(1), 39-44. doi:10.2344/anpr-66-03-04
El-Mowafy, A., Yarascavitch, C., Haji, H., Quiñonez, C., & Haas, D. A. (2019). Mortality and Morbidity in Office-Based General Anesthesia for Dentistry in Ontario. Anesthesia Progress, 66(3), 141-150. doi:10.2344/anpr-66-02-07
Zanjir, M., Lighvan, N. L., Yarascavitch, C., Beyene, J., Shah, P. S., & Azarpazhooh, A. (2019). Efficacy and Safety of Pulpal Anesthesia Strategies during Endodontic Treatment of Permanent Mandibular Molars with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. Journal of Endodontics, 45(12), 1435-1464.e10. doi:10.1016/j.joen.2019.09.002
Adams, A., Yarascavitch, C., Quiñonez, C., & Azarpazhooh, A. (2017). Use of and Access to Deep Sedation and General Anesthesia for Dental Patients: A Survey of Ontario Dentists. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 83, h4.
Patodia, S., LeBlanc, V., Haas, D. A., & Dempster, L. J. (2017). Ontario Dentists' Estimation of Patient Interest in Anesthesia. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 82, h2.
Ouanounou, A., & Haas, D. A. (2016). Drug therapy during pregnancy: implications for dental practice. British Dental Journal, 220(8), 413-417. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2016.299
Ouanounou, A., & Haas, D. A. (2015). Pharmacotherapy for the elderly dental patient. Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 80, f18.
Wong, M., Copp, P. E., & Haas, D. A. (2015). Postoperative Pain in Children After Dentistry Under General Anesthesia. Anesthesia Progress, 62(4), 140-152. doi:10.2344/14-27.1
Becker, D. E., & Haas, D. A. (2011). Recognition and management of complications during moderate and deep sedation part 1: respiratory considerations. Anesthesia Progress, 58(2), 82-92. doi:10.2344/0003-3006-58.2.82
Becker, D. E., & Haas, D. A. (2011). Recognition and management of complications during moderate and deep sedation. Part 2: cardiovascular considerations. Anesthesia Progress, 58(3), 126-138. doi:10.2344/0003-3006-58.3.126
Haas D. A. (2011). Alternative mandibular nerve block techniques: a review of the Gow-Gates and Akinosi-Vazirani closed-mouth mandibular nerve block techniques. Journal of the American Dental Association, 142 Suppl 3, 8S-12S. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2011.0341
Garisto, G. A., Gaffen, A. S., Lawrence, H. P., Tenenbaum, H. C., & Haas, D. A. (2010). Occurrence of paresthesia after dental local anesthetic administration in the United States. Journal of the American Dental Association, 141(7), 836-844. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2010.0281
Haas D. A. (2010). Preparing dental office staff members for emergencies: developing a basic action plan. Journal of the American Dental Association, 141 Suppl 1, 8S-13S. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2010.0352
Below is a selection of Master of Science Theses from graduate students in the Dental Anesthesia program at the University of Toronto. This list includes theses from the last 10 years.
Additional theses can be found by searching TSpace, U of T's institutional repository. To view theses & dissertations completed by students at other institutions around the world, please search the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database.
Mohsiri, Sina, (2022). Exploring Dentists’ Personal Knowledge in Practice in the Delivery of Mandibular Anesthesia: A Qualitative Study
Azzopardi, J. P, (2021). Mortality and Morbidity in Out-of-Hospital Deep Sedation and General Anaesthesia for Dentistry in British Columbia.
Tobis, R. (2019). Perceptions on the behavioural management of dental patients with developmental disabilities: A qualitative study.
Al-Mowafy, A. O. (2018). Mortality and morbidity in office-based deep sedation and general anaesthesia for dentistry in Ontario.
Decloux, D. J. T. (2018). Current Ultrasound Technology for Guiding Intraoral Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blockade: A feasibility study.
Ip, T. W. G. (2017). Deep extubation protocol for total intravenous anesthesia following ambulatory elective dental surgery in pediatric patients: A pilot study.
Kim, B. J. C. (2016). Post-anaesthesia education for parents of pediatric dental patients having general anaesthesia: Effect of the presence of a recovering child on recall and compliance.
Adams, A. C. (2015). Access to deep sedation and general anaesthesia services for dental patients: A survey of Ontario dentists.
Campbell, J. (2015). Dental sedation and general anaesthesia in Manitoba: A survey of need, demand, and perceptions.
Ji, J. (2014). Dexmedetomidine as an oral premedication to facilitate mask induction for general anesthesia for pediatric dentistry.
Wong, M. (2014). Postoperative pain in paediatric patients after dentistry under general anaesthesia in the ambulatory setting.
Patodia, S. (2013). Dentists' views and practice of sedation and general anaesthesia in Ontario.
Marciniak, R. (2012). Design of an approach to characterize CD11b Cre x LoxP BDNF deletion in mice: Implications for neuropathic pain.
Zahedi, S. (2012). Retrospective review of dental local anesthetic in the United Kingdom.
Garisto, G. A. (2011). Paraesthesia following dental local anaesthetic administration in the United States.
Toong, S. Y. (2011). A systematic review on the use of dexmedetomidine as a sole agent for intravenous moderate sedation.
Gaffen, A. (2010). Retrospective review of reports of non-surgical paresthesia in dentistry.
Lee, D. (2010). A study of melatonin for premedication prior to anesthesia.
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