Emergencies in Anaesthesia and Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia by Keith Allman (Editor); Andrew McIndoe (Editor); Iain Wilson (Editor)Call Number: Not available at UTL
ISBN: 9780199645510
Publication Date: 2012-01-13
This excellent value pack contains the Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia Third Edition and Emergencies in Anaesthesia Second Edition.. The combination of practical advice and essential background information with an easily accessible guide in emergencies presents a unique package essential toevery doctor with an interest in Anaesthesia.The bestselling Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia Third Edition continues to provide state-of-the-art information on anaesthetic practice. Additional new material includes regional anaesthesia, and a comprehensive section on anaesthesia for interventional radiology, a rapidly expanding field of medicalpractice with particular implications for anaesthesia. Key sections cover preoperative issues affecting the administration of anaesthesia and techniques employed in the individual surgical specialties. The book provides practical advice covering the impact of medical disease on anaesthesia, andseparate comprehensive sections on paediatric and obstetric anaesthesia are also included. The management of emergencies arising during anaesthesia is fully covered with helpful action plans and algorithms throughout. Uncommon conditions and their management are included, and there is an extensivedrug formulary and guide to infusion drugs.The second edition of Emergencies in Anaesthesia provides a practical, accessible guide to all emergency situations encountered during, and immediately following, anaesthesia. It covers the major specialties including cardiovascular medicine, respiratory medicine, obstetrics, and paediatrics, andeach section begins with a clear table listing presentation, diagnosis, exclusions, immediate action, and follow up action. These subsections are then expanded upon in bullet format. Additional sections cover practical procedures such as how to insert a chest drain and how to administer inhaleddrugs under anaesthesia, plus a concise drug formulary.