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Researrrrch Guides

Community Music

A guide for those studying Community Music at the University of Toronto

Using Music Databases

Please follow the steps outlined below in order to find articles using journal databases. Most articles are now available in full text. 

1. In order to find the right database for your subject area, go to the U of T website. On this site, select database by subject: 

Database by subject

2. Choose "Music" from the dropdown menu. If you are doing research on any other subject, you can also choose it here. 

databases - choosing a subject

3. Select the database that you would like to use. The best bets are precisely that most of the time - these databases are ranked according to size and content. Let's choose the Music Index for this particular search.

database - the music index

4. Once you have navigated to the database, you can enter your keywords. Here is some information on how to choose keywords. Most databases, including this one, allow you to limit your search in many ways, including by full text, peer review, date, and publication title. Here we are doing a search on community music in the context of therapy. We are truncating the word "therapy" as therap# in order to bring back numerous variations of that word (for example, therapies, theraputic, etc.). The more keywords that you add the narrower, but also, the more relevant the articles that you find will be. For example, if you add the terms youth OR teen# in the third search box, you would retrieve articles that focus on that demographic.

Keywords in databases

5. Once you have retrieved the articles, you can place further filters on them, in order to whittle down to exactly what you need. You can filter by subject, publication, date range, and so on:

results and filters