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Career Research: Advancing Your Career Exploration

Winter 2024

Session Activities

Industry Research

  1. Go an industry research database such as IBIS world or EMIS;
  2. Take about 5 mins to answer as many of these questions as you can about your industry of interest:
    1. Is there a positive or negative trend in this industry currently?
    2. Who are the major players?
    3. Are there any recent changes in regulation that impact this industry?
    4. Anything else you found interesting
  3. With a partner, 1 min each to:
    1. State the industry you researched
    2. State your findings

Company Research

  1. Go a company research database such as Business Source Premier or Capital IQ;
  2. Take about 5 mins to answer as many of these questions as you can about your company of interest:
    1. What are the main challenges this company is facing?
    2. What is their mission? Their vision? Their goals?
    3. Have there been recent layoffs?
    4. Who are the biggest competitors?
    5. Are they #1 in anything? What are they proud of?
  3. With your partner, 1 min each to:
    1. State the company you researched
    2. State your findings