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VIC 112: Puzzles, Discovery and the Human Imagination

This guide is intended to support the course taught by Prof. Marcel Danesi with Teaching Assistant Stacy Kosta in 2019-2020

Library Catalogue and Books

You can start with a book you know or are given in your syllabus or reading list:

The Puzzle Instinct - The Meaning of Puzzles in Human Life. Marcel Danesi.

Look at the LCSH to explore the topic:

Look at the TOC for kinds of puzzles and issues related to them:

Why Puzzles? 

Puzzle-Making through the Ages          

Puzzle-Solving as Insight Thinking       

The Puzzle Instinct      

Puzzling Language: Riddles, Anagrams, and Other Verbal Perplexities   






The Janus-Faced Nature of Language   

Puzzling Pictures: Optical Illusions, Mazes, and Other Visual Mind-Bogglers     

Visual Trickery

Geometrical Mind-Bogglers     

Puzzles in Geometrical Dissection and Arrangement     


Order and Chaos          

Puzzling Logic: Deductions, Paradoxes, and Other Forms of Mind Play  

Deduction Puzzles       

Truth Puzzles  

Deception Puzzles