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MDSA02 - History of Media and Technology

A Research Guide for MDS A02 - History of Media and Technology

Google Scholar: Find More Articles

You can use Google Scholar and any articles you've already found to locate more resources. 

First, make sure that you have your Google Scholar set up to communicate with the University of Toronto. Do this by going to the Settings in Google Scholar:

Google Scholar proxy settings

From the Settings options, choose "Library Links"

Choosing library links in Google Scholar settings

Enter "University of Toronto" in the Search Box, and run the search. Once the search results are in, check the appropriate box. 

Google Scholar - selecting the appropriate libraries

Finding Related Articles

You can use the advanced search feature to find articles on your topics: 

You can then run your search and find results: 

You can explore the "cited by" and related articles links to find additional resources: 

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