There are many ways to get assistance with your research:
Chat: Using the chat widget on any library web page gets you real-time assistance. UTML staff run the chat from 9am until 7pm most days during Fall/Winter Semesters (check library hours for other times). Ask A Librarian staff, who are academic librarians from around Ontario universities, fill in until noon and 7 to 10 pm.
Click the green arrow in the bottom right-hand side of the chat box to pop out a chat window. This will let you chat as you navigate our resources.
Email: An email to will get answered by a subject specialist as soon as possible. When you have questions specifically about earth science, e-mail me directly at
In Person: The Reference & Research Area is located on the main floor of the Library, to the left of the entrance. If the librarian you wish to see is not there, send her or him an e-mail. We are happy to see you for a research consultation!