APA PsycInfo is the premiere database for finding scholarly psychological information. By using this specialized database rather than a more general database you are saving yourself from having to manually sort through irrelevant results. In addition, PsycInfo includes many tools and features that will allow you to refine your search to just the type of content that you need.
There are two different interfaces that you can use to access PsycInfo content. The search results will be exactly the same but the features and ways of searching vary. You may use whichever works best for your purpose. Instructions for each are found below.
Scholarly psychological journal articles, conference papers, citations, and abstracts.
Contains citation information and abstracts from journals in psychology and mental health. The Ovid platform is appropriate for systematic and scoping reviews as well as other advanced searches.
This guide walks you through the steps for conducting a search in ProQuest PsycINFO
This guide demonstrates how to search Ovid PsycINFO step by step
A good starting point is the specialized psychology journal article database called PsycINFO. PsycINFO lets you search all the key research journals in psychology at the same time.
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