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RLG203H5: Introduction to Christianity

How to Find and Download Ebooks (YouTube Videos)

How to Find and Download an Ebook in LibrarySearch

How to Find and Download Readings from the ProQuest Ebook Central Platform

Better Note-Taking on Screen

Find a Book by Title

Note that some items that you might think of as 'books' are mistakenly classified as 'government documents' in LibrarySearch (we are working on this known issue). If you feel certain that we should have an item, but you aren't finding it using the method described in this video, then try using the 'Government Documents' heading from the 'Format' dropdown menu instead of 'Books.'

How to Find a Print Copy

Intercampus Delivery Service

There are 40 libraries at the University of Toronto, and you have access to all the resources. Because we share the resources and because multiple print copies are not necessary in the UofT library system, you may realize that the UTM Library does not have the book that you are looking for. When the UTM Library does not have it, you can request a book and pick it up at the UTM Library.

Watch the video below to learn the quick and easy steps:

Books are delivered to the UTM Library every Tuesday and Friday. Note that it will take more than three business days depending on our staff capacity.