This page is an online version of the physical Little Library on the third floor of the UTM Library.
The titles in Classical Studies are organized based on call numbers: for example, D: History, N: Visual Arts, NA210–340: Ancient Architecture, and PA: Philology & Literature.
On the third floor of the UTM Library, you can find a Little Library for Classical Civilization. This shelf includes literature and introductory books about the cultures of the Greek and Roman worlds.
B187.5 .O82 2004
B317 .T39 2019
B485 .B35 2000
B528 .I596 2018
BL723 .M67 2007
D56.52 .H45 R63 2011
D57 .S36 2016
D58 .H4713 2014
DF77 .C34 2009
DF77 .C34 2011
DF77 .C317 2007
DF77 .C6958 2020
DF77 .T525 2018
DF208 .P5513 1973
DF208 .P5513 2011
DF220 .S47 2008
DF221 .T8 C54 2013
DF229 .T5 W27 1972
DF233 .B75 2011
DF234 .A77313 2013
DF234 .B693 2014
DF234.37 .B7413 2010
DF521 .B9365 2010
DF552 .S27 2015
DG63 .C284 2013
DG63 .W57 2008
DG70 .P7 L557 2005
DG77 .W35 2008
DG207 .T3 W66 2004
DG223 .S58 2014
DG231 .B43 2015
DG231 .G89 2012
DG235 .C65 2006
DG261 .C76 2009
DG272 .K45 2006
DG277 .S7 L58 2000
DG279 .L44 2010
DG311 .M66 2015
DG315 .C36 2006
DS71 .R33 2015
DT61 .S57 2021
DT93 .P37 2007
HT863 .B38 2022
N5630 .S734 2015
NA323 .P325 2015
NA327 .P6 R53 1988
P301 .T67 2013
PA2041 .L4613 2013
PA3001 .A55 2014
PA3009 .B4 2000
PA3009 .F67 2012
PA3009 .M67 2018
PA3015 .H43 N338 2013
PA3015 .R5 H3725 2013
PA3040 .N68 2003
PA3131 .M38 2003
PA3131 .S83 2005
PA3131 .S83 2014
PA3877 .A1 R57 2005
PA3978 .G7
PA4010 .E5 T5 2009
PA4025 .A2 F5 1998
PA4025 .A2 L66 1997 ERIN
PA4025 .A5 L28 1967
PA4025 .A5 W56 2018
PA4037 .G6935 2019
PA4408 .E5 C37 2003
PA6307 .A4 G7
PA6308 .E5 B35 1986
PA6447 .E5 B28 2004
PA6447 .E5 G5 1954
PA6479 .E5 B73 1999
PA6522 .A2 1998 ERIN
PA6522 .M2 M45 2008
PA6558 .E5 W3 1999
PA6570 .A3 S4 1996 ERIN
PA6807.A5 M23 2007
PA6537.M576 2020