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Research Guides


Linguistics databases

Search Linguistic databases for articles on language and linguistics:

Start at the library homepage

  • Click on 'Databases'
  • Select 'Article databases by subject A-Z'
  • Select 'Linguistics' from the following page


Multidisciplinary databases

These multidisciplinary databases are so large and broad that you are likely to find something relevant.  These are good tools for broad, general search topics.

Highly cited articles

How to find a resource's cited-by information

Each article database is different, but many tend to follow similar patterns in accessing citation information.  Below you'll find some tips on finding this information for some of the more popular databases for political science articles.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Web of Science, Web of Knowledge

  • To find the most highly cited articles on a subject, enter keywords relating to your subject & select 'topic from the drop down menu

  • After searching for a topic, sort results by 'times cited' instead of publication date (the default option)

  • Users can also select the 'cited reference search' option at the top of the screen to search for articles that cite someone's work:

ProQuest Databases (LLBA, MLA)

  • 'Cited by' information is provided for each document, but it is not possible to sort search results by citations

Google Scholar

  • 'Cited by' information appears directly below the resource link, and includes journal articles, books, and papers
    • However, Google searches full text, as opposed to title, descriptor, and abstract, so users may find the pulled material is less relevant


  • After searching for a topic, results are displayed by date, with newest results at the top
  • You can sort your search results by citation instead:

By Patricia Bellamy

Open access article repositories

Language specific databases

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