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Research Guides

Academic Integrity


Plagiarism is the theft of someone else’s ideas and work. It is the incorporation of facts, ideas, or specific language that are not common knowledge, are taken from another source, and are not properly cited. (Harvard University)

Even if it is not done on purpose, plagiarism is a serious offence that the University takes seriously. The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters at U of T provides distinct examples of academic dishonesty. There are several offences, including, but not limited to: 

  • Re-submitting the same academic work that has already been published in another course
  • Presenting someone's original idea, quote or work as their own 

To learn more about the different types of academic dishonesty, please read the section regarding Offences on the Code of Behaviour


Watch the video below (1:04 min) for an example of why we can't just change some words while still copying whole phrases.


Online Tutorials

Do you know what counts as plagiarism?  Use one of these online tutorials to find out.

More Help on Avoiding Plagiarism

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