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RLG208H5: Introduction to Zoroastrianism

Tips for Academic Databases

★ Truncation

* (Asterisk) finds all forms of a word: for example,
Zoroast* for Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism, Zoroastrian, and Zoroastrians
eschatolog* for eschatological, eschatologist, eschatologists, and eschatology.

★ Phrase Searches

Enclosing a phrase in double quotation marks, which allows you to search a database for particular words in a particular order: for example, "Ahura Mazda"

Finding Articles via LibrarySearch

Use the Advanced Search function of LibrarySearch. For example,

LibrarySearch with keywords: (Jewish OR Judaism) and eschatolog*

Religion Databases

What Type of Information Are You Using?

0:00 – How to find Ulrichsweb, using LibrarySearch
0:51 -- Remember to type in the JOURNAL title, not the article title
1:58 -- Make sure your article is a research article, since peer reviewed journals have other content
3:21 -- You can access the journal through Ulrichsweb

The following video was created by Cambridge University Press. They show the importance of the peer-review process: