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Research Guides

UC One: Engaging Toronto

A guide to researching Toronto and urban issues.

Toronto suburbs

Suggested searches for Toronto suburbs, from the UC Librarian:

Canadian suburbs:

books etc. about suburbs in Canada, at any UofT library

Toronto suburbs:

books etc. about suburbs in Toronto, at any UofT library

scholarly articles about suburbs in Toronto

Specific Toronto suburbs:

Here's an example of how to find books about a specific suburb.  From the UofT Libraries home page, type scarborough ont. in the Catalogue search box (be sure to include ont.), then select subject from the drop-down menu. Here's what you'd get:
books with scarborough ont. in subject, at any UofT library

In the same way, you could search for a different suburb by typing e.g.:
  etobicoke ont.
  mississauga ont.

and so on...

Suburbs in general

Suggested searches for suburbs in general, from the UC Librarian:

Recommended article database

Searching for articles on a particular topic related to urban studies? Try this database: