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Anthropology @ UTSC

Resources at the Library

Searching for Ethnographies in the Library Catalogue (LibrarySearch)

  1. Navigate to the library homepage.
  2. Under the search box, click on the Advanced Search icon that is furthest to the right. Screenshot of the library homepage with the Advanced Search icon highlighted.
  3. On the first search line, enter the name of the country, region, cultural, or social group you are researching.
  4. On the second search line, enter one of the following keywords:
    1. Ethnography or ethnographies or ethnographic
    2. Social life and customs
    3. Case studies
    4. Field work
    5. Ethnology
    6. Manners and customs
    7. Rites
    8. Rituals
  5. Adjust the field for either/both of the search lines using the drop-down menus on the left side of the search interface. This allows you to look for your search terms in a specific area of the item's record, such as the title.
  6. On the right side of the search interface, select the format you are looking for (e.g. books, journal articles), and adjust the publication dates or language if needed.
  7. Click the Search button.

Screenshot of an advanced search for ethnographies about Papua New Guinea.

Searching for Ethnographies in Library Databases

Searching for Ethnographic Films or Videos

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