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History Resources @ UTSC

A guide to assist UTSC students in History to find and use library resources needed to successfully complete their assignments.

What is Peer-Reviewed?

Not all journal articles are peer-reviewed because not all journals are peer-reviewed.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals are reviewed by a group of the writer's peers (other academics in their field) before the articles are published.

It might sound confusing, but you know that an article is peer-reviewed if it comes from a peer-reviewed journal.

You can find out if a journal (and its articles) is peer-reviewed by searching for the journal title in Ulrich's, as described in the box to the right.

Is Your Journal Article Peer-Reviewed?

How do you know if the articles in a journal are peer-reviewed?

Some databases allow you to limit to peer-reviewed articles. But if you don't know if an article is peer-reviewed, you can look in 2 places to check.


1. Go to the LibrarySearch and search by the article title. Make sure to put the title in quotation marks with no typos.

2. The search results should say Peer Reviewed if the article comes from a peer-reviewed journal.


This article is peer reviewed.

screenshot of search results for an article, and a red checkmark beside peer reviewed



This article is not peer reviewed.

screenshot of search results of an article that does not say peer reviewed



Or, if you didn't have luck in the LibrarySearch, check Ulrich's periodical directory. It is a tool that allows you to check if the journal in which an article is published is peer-reviewed.

Some databases allow you to limit to peer-reviewed articles. For other databases, you need to look up the title of the journal in Ulrich's.

1. Go to Ulrich's:  Click to open Ulrich's.

2. Type the JOURNAL TITLE (not the article title) into the search box, and click the green search button.

 search ulrichs for journal title

3. In the search results, look for a referee jersey icon to indicate that a journal is refereed, which is a synonym for peer-reviewed.

look for referee jersey icon in search results


4. Or you can click on a journal to see the full record. If it says Refereed Yes, then you know the journal (and the articles published in it) are refereed/peer-reviewed.

peer reviewed journals will say yes, refereed.

 5. The Journal of Infectious Diseases IS peer reviewed.

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