To focus on a country:
Start with the Universal Human Rights Index
To focus on jurisprudence:
Start with the OHCHR Jurisprudence Database
To research the treaties (eg ratification information, current status):
Start with the OHCHR Human Rights Treaty Ratification Database and Dashboard and optionally the UN Treaty Collection
To find all documents produced by treaty-based bodies:
Start with the UN Treaty Body Database
To find more information for a treaty body:
The OHCHR treaty-body website provides links to the websites of all the treaty-based human rights bodies
The UN Library's Research Guide has an excellent overview of the bodies, their activities and the types of documents they produce and work with
Documents of the treaty-based bodies are also available in several other general UN documents databases, such as the Official Document System (ODS) and UN Digital Library, however the specialized databases above are generally more efficient for human rights research
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