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International Human Rights

A guide to research sources for international human rights law created by John Bolan, Bora Laskin Law Library.

Guides to United Nations Research

Maureen Ratynski Anderson, “Where to Begin When You Don't Know How to Start - Tips for Researching UN Legal Materials” (2003) 31 Int'l J Legal Info 264.

A lucid and authoritative guide to U.N. research by the Chief of User Services of the U.N.’s Dag Hammarskjold Library


United Nations Documentation Research Guide: Human Rights  Documentation

Prepared by the UN’s Dag Hammarskjold library, this resource is useful for both research instruction and information on the structure and organization of the various UN Human Rights bodies .


United Nations Research Resources: A Guide (UofT library)

Guide to the resources available to UofT students for U.N. research

European Court of Human Rights

Print Guide to International Human Rights Research