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Research Guides

Cite it Right: Academic Integrity at the Rotman School of Management.

An introduction to U of T's policies on plagiarism and academic integrity, citing sources using APA style and formatting references using citation management software. We also suggest additional resources for more help with academic research and writing.

Introduction to APA

APA style is the preferred citation format for social sciences, including business and management.  The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association provides guidelines for when and how to properly cite your sources.

APA style includes two key elements:

  • In-text citations: credit your sources for specific ideas that you use.
  • Reference list (bibliography): allow other readers to find those sources themselves.

You must include both in-text citations and a final reference list in your papers.

Citation Examples

The following sources offer sample citations in APA style.

More on APA

APA Style Blog

Updates from the APA.

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