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Known as LibrarySearch, this interdisciplinary database is UofT's largest--and your best bet when more focused databases let you down. It combs through more than 1,200 databases, journal packages, e-book collections, and other resources ranging from the sciences to the social sciences and humanities. At its best, LibrarySearch finds relevant results you won't find elsewhere; at its worst, however, LibrarySearch can overwhelm you will a mish-mash of results from different subject areas.
Scholars Portal Journals
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The MLA is the major English literature database. It covers criticism related to literature, linguistics and folklore from 1921 to the present, and contains more than 1-million citations to journal articles, series, books, working papers and conference proceedings. Most of the materials indexed before 1963 are American.
Political Science
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Over one million bibliographic citations to journal articles, essays in books, and book reviews in the field of religion. Covers all aspects of the major world religions and now includes all the content of the online Catholic Periodical and Literature Index.
Sociological Abstracts
Women & Gender Studies
Gender Studies Database
Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" Teachers College Record, vol. 110, no. 14, 2008, pp. 89-94.
Johnson, Miriam J. "What Is a Book? Redefining the Book in the Digitally Social Age." Publishing Research Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 1, 2019, pp. 68–78,
Noble, Safiya Umoja. "A Society Searching." Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, pp. 15-63. New York University Press, 2018,
Beghtol, Clare. "Cataloging and Knowledge Organization." In Encyclopedia of Communication and Information, 117-122, 2002.
Deibert, Ronald. Reset: Reclaiming the Internet for Civil Society. Toronto, ON: Anansi, 2020. Available to One User at a Time.
Foucault, Michel. "Panopticism." In Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, 195-228. New York: Vintage Books, 1979.
Orwell, George. "Why I Write." Orwell Foundation, Institute of Advanced Studies, 2022 (©1946).
Rutherford, Alexandra. "Chapter 1: A Visible Scientist: B. F. Skinner as Public Intellectual." In Beyond the Box: B.F. Skinnner’s Technology of Behavior from Laboratory to Life, 1950s-1970s, 19-40. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
Schäfer, Mike S., and Inga Schlichting. "Media Representations of Climate Change: A Meta-Analysis of the Research Field." Environmental Communication 8, no. 2 (2014): 142-60.
Zerilli, John, John Danaher, James Maclaurin, Colin Gavaghan, Alistair Knott, Joy Liddicoat, and Merel E. Noorman. "Chapter 1: What Is Artificial Intelligence?" In A Citizen’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence, 1-19. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2021.
Zerilli, John, John Danaher, James Maclaurin, Colin Gavaghan, Alistair Knott, Joy Liddicoat, and Merel E. Noorman. "Chapter 3: Bias." In A Citizen’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence, 43-60. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2021.
Oxford Bibliographies
Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication Studies (2021)
Routledge Handbook of East Asian Popular Culture (2017)
SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (2020)
SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (2020)
International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology (2020)
Oxford Handbook of Digital Technologies and Mental Health (2020)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media (2020)
Encyclopedia of Gender in Media (2012)
Encyclopedia of Media and Communication (2012)
Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media (2011)
History of the Mass Media in the United States: An Encyclopedia (2013)
September 11 in Popular Culture: A Guide (2010)
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (2009)
International Encyclopedia of Communication (2008)
Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media (2007)
Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications (2003)
Encyclopedia of New Media: An Essential Reference to Communication and Technology (2003)
Encyclopedia of Communication and Information (2002)
Book & Media Studies (Research Guide)
APA - Style & Grammar Guidelines
APA Style Guide - Purdue University
MLA Handbook
MLA Works Cited Citation Examples Chapter 4: Documenting Sources Chapter 5: The List of Works Cited
Chapter 6: Citing Sources in the Text
MLA Style Guide - Purdue University
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