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BIOC35: Principles in Parasitology

This guide will help students in BIOC35 find articles, know the types of sources and how to evaluate them, and develop effective readings strategies of scientific articles.

Biology Article Databases

Health Sciences Databases


Looking for an article on parasites to critique? 

Instead of searching in a database you can find an article in subject related journal.

Try these two journals first:

More parasite specific journals are below:

Evaluating journal articles

When decifing which articles to use to support ideas and arguments in your paper, keep these criteria in mind:


Is this article fact or opinion?

Are counter-arguments acknowledged?

Are the results accurate and are they supported by the data and methodology presented?

Does this support or contradict other articles?

Are references to other works given?


Is the author an expert in this field?

What other works has he/she written?

Can you find out more about the author?  What is his/her background?

Has this author been cited by others?



Some publications have an inherent bias that will impact articles printed in them. Can you determine this from looking at the journal?

Is the author's point of view impartial and objective? Are counter-arguments acknowledged?

Audience level What audience is the article designed for?
Is it too basic or too technical for your needs?
Currency It is usually easy to determine the publication date of an article. 
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