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Research Guides

Aerospace Engineering


This guide will help you locate and navigate the resources you need to find aerospace related information including books, articles, standards & codes, patents, conference proceedings, and web resources.

Resources for Aerospace Engineering Research

The Books & E-books Tab contains links and directions to browse our physical and digital collections.

The Articles Tab contains links to peer-reviewed journals and databases relevant to Aerospace Engineering.

The Standards & Codes Tab contains links to standards collections pertaining to Aerospace Engineering.

The Web Resources Tab contains links to useful external resources.

The Professional Resources Tab contains links to professional associations and committees as well as links for job search resources. 

Top 5 tips for making the most of your library

  1.  Use Ask Chat with a Librarian to get research help from anywhere!
  2.  Register for library workshops 
  3.  Check computer availability online before you leave home!
  4.  Never pay for articles! If U of T doesn't have it, request it through Interlibrary Loan.
  5.  Ensure the library is open (and when it will close) by confirming today's hours.
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