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Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at the UTM Library

Oxford Bibliographies Online

Oxford Bibliographies Online provides annotated bibliographies, which help you find primary sources and secondary sources, such as scholarly books, chapters, and articles.

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0:00 -- Oxford Bibliographies Online is a tool, not for citing
1:38 -- Simple Search
3:01 -- Advanced Search
4:36 -- Abortion (Entry) as an Example
6:30 -- Finding Scholarly Articles and Books and Primary Sources
10:16 -- Disciplinary Differences
11:01 -- Get Help

Finding Articles - Using Databases

Use the databases below to find scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles for your assignment.

Make sure to use Ulrich's Web if the database does not have a peer-review option.

* Some contents can be primary sources as well. 

WGS Online Journals Database
