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RLG319: Magic, Astrology, and Religion

A guide to support the final essay on magic and astrology in modern times

What counts as a primary source?

For your essay assignment, you have been tasked with finding primary sources to investigate why magic or astrology remains popular in modern times. For this assignment, the primary source you choose will be different than the typical primary sources you may be used to using in historical or other humanities research.

A primary source is a document created at the time you are studying, or as a direct observation of and event or topic you are studying. Examples in History and Religion include documents like:

  • ancient religious texts
  • official or government documents
  • speeches
  • letters
  • diaries
  • literature
  • film

The difference for this assignment, is when these things were created. Rather than finding examples of the documents listed above created in earlier historical time periods, you will be looking for documents created in the twenty-first century.

Examples of primary sources that you could use for this assignment include:

  • fiction literature that features magic or astrology
  • recent films that feature magic or astrology

Guiding questions for finding primary sources

Finding primary sources can be more complicated than finding secondary sources, because often the creators of primary sources are not writing or creating with academic research in mind. This will require you to be creative in how you search.

To find film or literature appropriate for this assignment, it helps to ask questions like:

  • Who would be creating content about this? Where would they publish or make content available? (e.g. social media? blogs? websites? traditional publishing?)
  • What genre is most likely to have examples of magic or astrology?
  • Are there particular authors or directors known for telling stories about magic or astrology?

Film Collections

Finding Video or Films on the Library Website

You can find videos and films on the UTM Library website by using the Advanced Search option to filter results according to format.

Start by selecting Advanced Search from the Library's homepage:

On the Advanced Search page, you will see a list of options on the right side of the screen - click the drop down menu under Format:

Choose the Video/Film option:

Once you've selected Video/FIlm, enter your search terms as you usually would - the filter will ensure your results are limited to videos or films related to your search terms.