The UTM Library, and the U of T Library system more broadly, has a massive collection of both print and e-books you can access for your research; learning how to navigate the catalogue and how to find print books and access e-books will save you time in accessing the information you need.
While many titles are available in both formats, there will be times when a particular book may only be available in print. Some e-books will have multiple links to access on different platforms, and some platforms are more user friendly than others.
Use the resources below to learn how to locate a print book in the UTM Library, how to distinguish print from e-books in the UTM Library catalogue, as well as how to access and download e-books.
There will be times when you will come across books that are very relevant to your topic, but may only be available in print at other U of T Libraries. In these cases, you can request them to be delivered to UTM through the Intercampus Delivery service, rather than having to take a trip to another campus.
This video explains how to request a book from the Library catalogue: