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Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy

Resources to support research in courses within the Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy.


Filtering your results

Once you have submitted your search and can see your results, you may want to narrow them down further by adding additional filters. Here are some recommended filters you can use.

Note: These examples and screenshots are from the LibrarySearch interface. If you are using a database, different filtering options may be available.


Peer review

When you are searching for journal articles, you can narrow by their peer-review status. This helps ensure the quality and authority of the sources you use in your assignments. For more information, check out the Peer Review section of this guide.

LibrarySearch filter interface, showing the Peer-reviewed Articles filter checked.



If you are asked to find different types of formats (books, journal articles, websites, and more), you can filter your search to show only the formats you need. The interface will tell you how many items there are for each format.

LibrarySearch filter interface showing the format filter options.



Many resources will also be tagged by their subject. Try narrowing your search results to subjects related to your discipline.

LibrarySearch filter interface showing subject filter options.


Publication date

Using recently published sources for your assignments ensures you are using the latest research and current understanding of your discipline. You can use the publication date filter to see results only from a certain date range.

Some disciplines have stricter requirements on using recent research than others. Try starting with the last few years, then move further back if you need more sources!

LibrarySearch filter interface showing publication date filter.