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CITB04: City Politics

This guide will help students in CITB04 with finding journal articles, newspaper articles, and credible policy documents for the briefing note assignment and final paper assignment.

Example Scenario

Residents and condo dwellers in the City of Toronto are asking that park spaces have limited sports and recreation permits as they see it interfering with their dwelling space in terms of noise and personal safety. Sports and community members want the ability to use public parks for social sports and recreation as it improves health (mental and physical) and a sense of community. The issue is that as we see an increase in the City of Toronto population due to condo development, we are seeing a rise in the request to restrict use of public parks spaces for social sports. The issues are NYMBism and parks as a social good, health and community, and urban development.

Issue Statement

There is a growing demand from residents to see sporting activities as a permitted use of public park spaces. The City of Toronto should therefore take immediate steps to address this issue to ensure the City is healthy, livable and vibrant at a time when the city is rapidly growing. 



Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4
Public Parks Sports  Condo dwellers NIMBYism


  Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4
Main concepts Public Parks Sports Condo dwellers NIMBYism
  • parks
  • park spaces
  • green space
  • community parks
  • city parks
  • urban parks
  • recreation
  • leisure
  • softball
  • basketball
  • residents
  • population
  • condo development
  • urban development
  • not in my back yard 
  • noise
  • safety