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ANT430 Special Problems in Biological Anthropology and Archaeology (We Exist in Space - Biological Analysis through Geographic Space)

This guide support students in their research in the interdisciplinary science of biogeography in anthropological contexts (geographic dimensions of biological data, the basic forms of spatial data analysis, and its relationship to the study of common que

Article Databases for ANT340 Research

Web of Science

Citation information and research impact factors for multi-disciplinary journal articles, conference papers, books, and more.


Abstract and citation information for peer-reviewed scientific research, including journals, books, and conference papers.


Public version of Medline, the core database for health sciences disciplines. This platform is best for quick clinical searches.


Database for physical and human geography, earth and environmental sciences, ecology, and related disciplines, focusing on the human and social impacts.

CAB Abstracts (Ovid)

Abstracts in the fields of agriculture, forestry, human health, human nutrition, animal health, and the management of natural resources.

Anthropology Plus

Journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, and material culture.

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)

Citations to journal articles, books, reviews, and chapters in the fields of anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology.

Database Search Help

Searching for articles is usually an iterative process.

Using Exemplars / Models: Always search first for review articles close to your topic. Many databases have filters or facets for "review articles" (NOT the same as "reviews" as these tend to be book reviews).

If you don't see a review article filter, make sure you include the search term REVIEW to be located in the title field.

Below are some video tutorials on how to use the database interfaces effectively. 

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Please note that ATLA and Anthropology Plus use the same database interface. It will be easier to search both once you practice in one of them.