Welcome to the UTM Library's Biology page!
Key resources can be found under the Biology Resources tab.
If you are looking for a library guide for a specific course, they can be found under the Biology Course Resources tab and here for students in the Biomedical Communication program (BMC).
Here are a few other links that might be useful to you:
Here is a guide to the range of citation styles used in the UTM biology department.
Here are links to key journals in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.
Service Hours:
For full schedule, visit the Ask Chat with a Librarian webpage.
Service Closures:
Need more assistance? You can Book a Consultation with a reference specialist.
Need subject-specific assistance with an assignment? UTM Library has liaison librarians for every program. Email your UTM Liaison Librarian to schedule a consultation.
Call us at 905-828-5237
Email your question to refdesk.utm@utoronto.ca