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Classical Studies Resources @ UTSC

A guide to assist UTSC students in Classics to find and use library resources needed to successfully complete their course work.

Classics Course Guides

Resources for Classical Studies

Find Articles

L'Année Philologique The primary database for classical studies. L'Année Philologique provides information on the history, language, literature, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome from 500 BCE to 800.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index : Part of the Web of Science, this is a multidisciplinary database.

JSTOR: A large multidisciplinary database which includes many full-text e-journals.
ATLA Religion Database : The major international index for religion, ATLA covers all scholarly fields of religious study.

British Humanities Index : Covers journals, as well as some books and other important reference sources. It provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracting for over 2,000 titles.

Humanities International Index: The most comprehensive resource available in its field, Humanities Abstracts collects abstracts and citations of the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities, as well as numerous lesser-known but important specialized magazines.

Find Books

Find books by searching in the Library Search and limiting the format to Books by using the drop-down menu.

Image of Library Search with format drop-down menu options showing and Books option highlighted.

Pertinent call numbers and ranges:

  • B 108-708 Philosophy, Ancient
  • D 51-95 Ancient History
  • DF 10-289 Greece-History
  • DG 11-365 Italy--History--to 476
  • DG 61-69 Rome--History
  • JC 51-93 Greece--politics and government
  • ML 162-169 Music, Greek and Roman
  • PA 3050-4505 Greek literature
  • PA 6000-6971 Roman literature
  • PN 611-649 Literature of the Ancient World

More UofT Library Resources

Classical Studies Research Guide

UTL Classical Studies Resources

Print and Electronic Resources for Locating and Studying Classical Texts

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Specialized Resources

Writing & Citations

UTSC Writing Support helps students learn to become better writers through a variety of services:

Also check these pages for more helpful links and resources:

Assignment Planner

Academic Advising & Career Centre

The AA&CC is here to support your academic and career success!  They can help you:

Check out our website at, drop by in person at AC213 or call us at (416) 287-7561.


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