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Research Posters & Creative Displays

Characteristics of a Great Poster or Visual Display

  • Title length is concise, and uses language that your target audience can understand.
  • Text is 'to the point'
  • Word count of between 500 to 800 words (or less)
  • Width of text boxes should be about 40 characters (11 words per line)
  • Use of bullets and numbering lists makes the content easier to read
  • Effective use of graphics, color and fonts
  • Consistent and clean layout
  • List of references
  • Include any acknowledgments, plus your name and institutional affiliation

General Tips for Designing Posters

Tutorials and Templates

Poster Examples

Accessibility Considerations for Designing Posters

Clear Print Guide (Canadian National Institute for the Blind): 


Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters (PDF, Association of University Centres on Disabilities) 

Designing Research Posters for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Research posters typically include sections for the research problem, methods, results, and conclusion. However, this formula may not always work well for all types of work. Students who conduct research in other ways or engage in creative activities can also create posters on their work; they just need to think differently about the poster. Posters for creative works may include more images than research posters might as well as some descriptive text about what what is shown, what it means or what you learned, and the significance or importance of that work. The goal of any poster should be display your work in a concise way, so that you can elaborate on those ideas when people stop to discuss your work, so be mindful about how much text you put on the poster.

Creating a Poster with Adobe inDesign and Creative Cloud