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POLA01: Democracy, Ideology & Populism

Instructor: Julian Campisi

What is a scholarly source?

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Check if an Article is Peer-Reviewed

How do you know if an article is from a peer-reviewed journal? Some databases allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed journals. For other databases, you need to look up the title of the journal in Ulrich's Directory. 

1. Go to Ulrich's.

2. Type the JOURNAL TITLE (not the article title) into the search box, and click the green search button. Look for the journal title in your search results.

3. In the search results, look for a referee jersey icon to indicate that a journal is refereed. Refereed means the same as peer reviewed.

look for referee jersey in search results


4. The Journal of Infectious Diseases is peer reviewed.  

REMEMBER:   It's the journal that's peer reviewed/refereed, so you are looking for the journal title in your search results, NOT the article title.

Find Books

Find Speeches, Party Platforms, Policy Papers

  • Start by checking the articles and books you've already found for relevant speeches, party platforms, policy papers etc.     Search the titles of these documents to find full-text documents.
  • Check any relevant party or government websites.
  • Ask for assistance.


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Choose & Use Sources

Choosing Sources For Your Assignment

  • Is the source on your topic?
  • Is your source scholarly?
  • Will using the source support your discussion of the topic in your academic writing?  How?
    • Ensure incorporating the source will support your discussion of the topic.   Questions?   Ask your TA, instructor, or UTSC Writing Support.   

Using Sources in Your Academic Writing