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HMU380: Operas of Mozart

This guide supports the research requirements of HMU380: Operas of Mozart

Researching Western Art Music

There are a number of great sources to help you research your essay topic for HMU380. Use the tabs on the left to see a short, curated list of some of the resources most directly relevant to your subject area and available online through the University of Toronto Libraries.

How to Get Help

The Music Library is open and we're available to help you research and explore your topic. Please feel free to stop by and ask for reference help at our service desk.

For general help you can try AskChat. You can also book a research consultation with me or one of our other music reference specialists!

You can contact the Music Library virtually through our social media: @UofTMusicLib on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

You're also welcome to send questions directly to me using the contact information on this page!

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