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GGRD10 Health & Sexuality

This guide will help students in GGRD10 with finding articles for the annotated bibliography and other resources for the final research assignment.

Recommended Databases

Search Tips:

  • Use keywords, and boolean operators (e.g. AND/OR) to search effectively.   
  • Use limiters (e.g. Date, Document Type, Subject) found on the left side of the screen to focus your search.
  • No database has everything.  Search multiple databases to do a through search.   Consider subject-specific databases (relevant to your topic) and interdisciplinary databases to 

Course readings: 

  • Select course readings (at least 6 are required, see assignment instructions) to include in your assignment.   To expand your search, check references of readings you've selected for more sources.   
  • You can also check who has cited your articles to look for more sources on your topic.  (Tip: Look up a relevant course reading in a library database like Web of Science.     You will see a link to cited material below or beside the article (e.g. "Time Cited" or "Cited by".) 

Subject-Specific Databases

To find more subject-specific databases, select by By subject A-Z on the library website.

Interdisciplinary Databases

To find more interdisciplinary databases, select by Popular Databases on the library website.

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