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EES1101: Research Paper in Environmental Science

About the course

The Research Paper (EES1101Y) is designed to provide students with the experience of carrying out fundamental research within a specific area of interest to them within Environmental Science.  The experience allows students to delve into a particular topic of current significance and carry out studies that can contribute to a research paper in a scientific journal, and defend it in an oral presentation.  

About the guide

This purpose of this guide is to provide asynchronous support for the EES1101 research paper with examples of work by EES1101 alumni.

Remember that this guide is just that - a guide.  The route you take to the information you will need will be different every single time. 

Select the "Next" link below to start navigating through the guide or jump ahead to any section using the links on the left side of the page.

Submit your abstract or paper to the guide

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Questions about this guide? Contact your liaison librarian!

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Mariana Jardim
University of Toronto Scarborough Library
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