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DEN207Y/DPP111H Dental Public Health

This is a resource guide for the Doctor of Dental Surgery undergraduate courses DEN207Y: It is meant as a supplement to the library session workshop.


Welcome to the DEN207Y/DPP111H course guide. This guide is a supplement to the library session of the course DEN207Y/DPP111H: Dental Public Health. We hope that you find it useful. It was created by the dentistry librarians in collaboration with Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh DEN207, Course Director.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

Library Session

The library session is meant to provide you with tools that you can use to quickly find evidence-based information for clinical decisions. The learning objectives of the sessions are:

1. Identify the nature of your clinical question
2. Define a clinical question in a way that helps you to find relevant health information.
3. Identify key health information sources available at UofT or free online.
4. Filter search results to find valuable information

Library Assignment (5%)

The library component of the course will include a quiz that you will complete by 11:59pm on Friday, March 26, 2021. The assignment is worth 5% of your mark and will be available in the Modules under Tutorial Assignments in Quercus. 

Session Documents

The following resources are relevant for the lecture. They are not mandatory but they are good background readings.

Brignardello-Petersen, R., Carrasco-Labra, A., Glick, M., Guyatt, G. H., & Azarpazhooh, A. (2014). A practical approach to evidence-based dentistry: understanding and applying the principles of EBD. Journal of the American Dental Association, 145(11), 1105-1107. doi: 10.14219/jada.2014.102

Brignardello-Petersen, R., Carrasco-Labra, A., Booth, H. A., Glick, M., Guyatt, G. H., Azarpazhooh, A., & Agoritsas, T. (2014). A practical approach to evidence-based dentistry: How to search for evidence to inform clinical decisions. Journal of the American Dental Association, 145(12), 1262-1267. doi: 10.14219/jada.2014.113


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