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Exams at the Dentistry Library

This guide will help you find past dental exams.

U.S. Integrated National Dental Examinations Board Exams at the Dentistry Library

Check our catalogue for a list of NBDE exams held at the Dentistry Library. Please note that these items are kept behind the service desk and are on short-term loan. 

More information on the INBDE exams can be found here.

For National Dental Exam information from the Central Regional Dental Testing Services, Inc. including applications, eligibility requirements, content and scoring, visit the CRDTS website.

Faculty of Dentistry DDS Exams

The Dentistry Library has copies of pre-2012 Faculty of Dentistry examinations for the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) program. More recent DDS exams (2012 and later) are available electronically to all students via the Student Services Office at the Faculty. Please ask them for more details.

National Dental Examining Board of Canada

The Board's website contains some released exam questions, along with information about the exams. Please see the 'Accredited Program' section of the website of the National Dental Examining Board (NDEB) of Canada. There is a set of NDEB released written examination questions that can be downloaded; the link to the question set is found on this page under Released Question Bank. The NDEB also provides a list of additional study resources that you may find useful. 

Dental Aptitude Test (DAT)

Please see the website of the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry. Information about registration and preparation for the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) can be found on the Canadian Dental Association website.

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