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CHMC47 Bio-Organic Chemistry

This guide will help students enrolled in CHMC47 Bio-Organic Chemistry to complete assignments, specifically the Literature Searching Assignment and installing relevant chemistry software.

Tools for Drawing Chemical Structures

The ChemDraw software is installed on all the bookable computers in the UTSC Library. You will need to download and register before you can use this software for home use.

Once you've installed the software look for the green ChemDraw icon since other associated applications (Chem 3D) may also be installed with the ChemOffice Suite if you're on a Windows computer.ChemDraw icon

Notes: If you need to reactivate your Chemdraw license, the activation code is always available under Order History on the Perkin Elmer flexnet page where you downloaded the software. 

If you are unable to open Chemdraw for some reason, the easiest thing to do usually is uninstall it and reinstall the latest copy. 

NMR Processing Software

The MNova software is loaded on all the bookable computers in the UTSC Library.

Students: additional details on this software package can often be found in your Quercus course sites.

Mnova Support & Video Tutorials

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